Quick reads.

Business needs.

Your website is your business’ face.

Its words are your business’ voice.

How do you communicate everything about your business?

How do you engage a lead?

Cue professional copywriter!

Copywriters are translators. They help your business communicate who you are, and what you sell; clearly, efficiently, and...

Kö5 admin pages reimagined.

Intuitive page navigation.

Front to back. 

Want to create more and click less? The Kö5 web package helps you do just that. Smoothly edit your website’s frontend and backend in a reimagined backend interface design. Now in Kö5’s...

Feature Slideshow Preview and Archives.

Expressed in tabs.

Put it on my tab.

The Kö Package (Kö5) is introducing two new tabs in the "Manage Slideshow" section: Preview and Archives. 

Kö5 Slideshow Tabs Screenshot
Kö5 Slideshow tabs screenshot

When you select the Preview tab, you will find a preview...

How Do You Explain Website Security -Infographic

You've grasped the basics.

But is website security really that easy...

Unfortunately, it’s not. Adding security to your website is not a one-time, fix-all solution.

Think about it this way: a website is like a...

3 Budget-Friendly Marketing Tips.

Safely Reopen Your Small Business Amid COVID-19.

Since the U.S. economy began reopening earlier this summer, about 86 percent of small businesses have reopened either fully (52 percent) or partially (34 percent) — according to July’s Coronavirus Impact Poll from MetLife and...

Resources you need.

Take your business to the next level.

These days, it's safe to say small businesses thrive better when technology is leveraged appropriately. The fact is, taking your business to the web is a much-needed step in fostering growth. However, with technology always...

Steps to take when dealing with a possible intruder on your computer.

A hard truth to swallow...

"I think my computer has been hacked!" 
"What do I do now?" 

Do not panic. Read solution suggestions below. 

Note: This article is meant to help users who suspect their computer has been compromised. It does...

Forget company size. Throw out excuses.

Know what percentage you should budget for marketing and advertising.

I am small. I can't afford it. 

If you are a small business, it is easy to believe you can't afford marketing or advertising. Fortunately, today there are many budget scales for marketing and advertising. Bottom...